
We sell
service first

From concept and design, to product testing, order tracking and inventory management, Kayco is a full-service packaging company that has your needs covered!


Custom Design

Kayco does not subscribe to a one-size-fits-all approach to business. That’s why our focus is to create customized packaging solutions for the varied needs of our customers. We work closely with packaging engineers, materials experts, graphic designers and printers and have years of experience navigating the process of product development.


Inventory Management

Our Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) programs are designed to keep your packaging and production cycles in sync, making sure you never run out of the materials you need. We take responsibility for managing and replenishing inventory levels of specified items and we review periodically with our customers to note any changes in usage or lead times. VMI programs can also lower inventory levels and free up warehouse space by reducing the need for safety stock. Each program is unique and driven by customer needs and requirements.


Package Testing & Certification

The International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) has developed the industry standard for package testing and durability. The organization pioneered package performance testing over 60 years ago and today is the most trusted, knowledgeable, and respected authority in package-performance testing. After designing your package, we provide test reports to confirm compliance to ISTA standards and ISTA member organizations can label their packaging.

We are also able to provide Amazon Packaging Support and Supplier Network (APASS) certifications, a prerequisite for customers looking to sell their products through Amazon distribution channels.


Usage Reports

Kayco provides customers with quick, on-demand product usage reports designed to offer useful insights that help inform procurement decisions and production planning. We can provide year-over-year pricing information, compare usage rates between two products, or create a usage snapshot for a specific period of time. Our VMI customers receive these reports on a bi-weekly basis, but they are available to all customers.


Buy & Hold

We work collaboratively with our customers to deliver product in a way that works best for their production schedules. This typically involves coordinating scheduled product releases from blanket orders or maintaining safety stock on the manufacturing floor for quick delivery. Customized programs can be developed to meet any inventory and supply requirements.


Let’s work together.